TERRA, Horus Heresy
"We should have stayed loyal!" Ulvo spat out through the mucus frothing out his mouth " We should have never listened to that fool of a primarch Mortarion!"
"Quiet you fool! do you wish to be killed?" questioned Sgt Gallieus as he fired his bolter pistol at the pursuing Blood Angels," Nurgle has rewarded our Legion for defecting, more than the False emperor gave us eh?"
"REWARDS!! what Nurgle gave us was a curse of an eternal plague which racks our bodies with pain!" Ulvo replied as he too stopped to fire his bolter at the Blood Angels killing three of them.
"Well,well,well the legion has no need for non-believers marine Ulvo!" Mortarions voice sounded over the squads vox-casters as a Death Guard thunderkawk roared above them" ALL DEATH GUARD SHALL RETREAT BACK TO YOUR SHIPS ,WE ARE LEAVING!"
"Squad you heard the man back to the spaceport...Now move!" Bellowed Gallieus as he forced his disease-ridden body to runAs the Death Guard marines headed for the spaceport the Blood Angels behind them stopped, in their hurry didn't realize this change and kept on running andthey also didn't see the sniper scouts take aim....
"Nurgle be praised, there it is the spaceport!" cried out one of Gallieus' marines just before his head exploded like an rotten apple, and his body fell to the ground like three other of his squad mates.
"TAKE COVER MARINES" Sgt Gallieus as more marines fell to their former brothers accuracy"MARINE JELLAND CALL IN A THUDERHAWK STRIKE ON THE BUILDING TO THE NORTHWEST" as a heavy bolter started firing, plucking away at the Plague marines cover.A few moments later the buildings to their left exploded into flame ceasing the sniper fire.
"Keep going!" Yelled the sore encrusted sergeant as he ran from cover... then, thud... Galleius fell as if in slow motion with large hole through his chest
"Now die heretics!" bellowed the berserk Blood Angels as one.
"Forgot about them," muttered Ulvo "Now boys. we have to run fast, we're nearly now RUN!"As the traitor marines broke from cover, bullets ripped into Ulvo's body "Well maybe those 'gifts' are useful after all" he though to himself as he felt no pain.
"OVER THERE!" yelled one of the remaining plague marines pointing to a thunderhawk.Then BOOM! building walls fell in a heap and a Blood Angel dreadnought step through the doorway
"GET ON BOARD!" bellowed Ulvo as the Dreadnoughts assault cannon opened fire bouncing of the Thunderhawks hull and closing hatch, thn the roar of the dropship's engines drowned down everything else as the craft rose up into the Terran skies."Well whats next?" said Ulvo cheerfully.
"Well Ulvo I believe you have redeemed yourself, " Mortarion thundered as Ulvo rose from the ground after the torture he received from Mortarion "It also seems your company's captain has abandoned the legion, no matter, your exploits against the Custodes has proven to me, dispite your 'dis-behavior' I belive you worthy of a promotion, Sergeant Artimeus Ulvo"
"Thank you Lord Primarch" Ulvo replied trying hard not to sneer at the corpse-like giant.
"You're dismissed" Mortarion rasped behind his breathing mask waving Ulvo away.
As Ulvo made his way back the his quarters he heard a voice emanating from the ships shrine to Nurgle, as he walked into the dark chapel a hunched figure caught his attention.
"Come closer Ulvo" a familiar voice called to him
" Who and what are you?" Ulvo said
Dont you remember Ulvo, it's me Gallieus" as the cloaked figure turned an straitened to his full height, his eyes glowing a sickly green, the wound in his chest sprouting tentacles and his body floating in the air
"No it cant be you're dead, I mean you died, I saw you." Ulvo said with disbelief.
"Well in that respect you are right, this body died but Nurgle saw fit for me to return to grant you a gift" Then the floating corpse touched Ulvo's head.
And thats when the screaming started...
Ulvo heard screaming,his or someone else's he didnt know nor cared because at this moment all he knew was the searing pain all over his body, even his enhancements did not stem the pain, it was all he knew and all he knew as he sunk deep into darkness then the pain stopped.... Ulvo found himself on the cold floor of the shrine to Nurgle with Gallieus standing in front of him his eyes no longer glowing green
"What happened to me?" Ulvo asked nobody in particuar
"You have been gifted by Nurgle, these gifts which will help you on your path " replied Gallieus' corpse, as Ulvo rose he realised he was holding a sythe and his armour changed,his helmet had a horn on it and his armour was covered in insects, Ulvo also discovers his eyes were glowing as Gallieus' had."Gifts, what like the ones he gave to you Gallieus?"
"As I said earlier Gallieus died..My name is Pestillen" he remarked brandishing his staff glowing with the same sickly light his eyes used to glow with
"I have become a Apostle of Nurgle like you will become in time but you must prove yourself first"
"I'd rather become a daemon spawn than what you are" Ulvo replied as he swung his new sythe at the corpse of Gallieus cutting it in two, the half sprouting tentacles which intertwined and reformed."Ha you think you be like me, no but you'll be something much greater than me" replied Pestillen....
10,000 years Later
When Mortarion had finished shaping his daemon world in the Eye of Terror Ulvo had become Captain of the 7th company of the Death Guard by eliminating all competition, Ulvo lead his warband throughout the universe spreading disease and destuction until Nurgle saw fit to make him a Daemon Prince,and now many citizens of the Imperium speak of the Seventh Plague of Nurgle; the Daemon Prince Artimeus Ulvo who has said to have been killed thrice over but risen stronger every time he was struck down.
The guardsmen started falling like flies when Ulvo and his Plague marines charged their lines.
"Pitiful, at least some of them were Cadians so it made my presence worthwhile" Ulvo spat killing the last few guardsmen with lazy swings of his sythe " At Terra the guardsmen were a different breed than these men, when was that day? 10,000 years ago? oh, how the mighty have fallen"
"My lord" a tratior gurardsmen saluted Ulvo "Our scouts report that there is a half company of White Scars with PDF support are dug-in over that ridge" the guardsmen ended his report pointing to the Southwest.
"Well boys so, today's not going to be such a disappointment after all?" Ulvo said smiling at the prospect of felling the stalwart loyalists and infecting them with Nurgles 'gifts'"ALL SQUADS ADVANCE TO THE SOUTHWEST" Ulvo roared over the vox channels, And then the true battle for Mundus Secundus began...
As the plague marines came into view the Imperial guardsmen became afraid, for the deadly seventh Plague of Nurgle had arrived, the plague which had wiped most of the planet clean of life, now it was coming to consume them...But then the fabled White Scars space marines charged into the enemy and were ripping into them or so they thought.....
"DIE HERETICS" screamed the White Scars captain as he and his warriors charged Ulvo's honor guard.
"HA TRY IF YOU DARE!" Ulvo bellowed back as he kicked the captain off his bike and into his warriors, scattering the biker's charge.
"I DO DARE!" the captain replied standing up and drawing his glimmering Power Sword and swinging it at the Daemon Prince, Ulvo summarily dodged the attack and cut off the captains sword arm, who fell to the ground writhing in pain and slowly but surely dying due to the virulent diseases on the blade of Ulvo's sythe and as the captain looked around he saw his marines dying and realized his attack had failed and he looked up to Ulvo and said "Damn you heretic, one day you shall be stopped, that I promise you!" and he died with pain etched on his face.
"Many have said that, and it has not happened" Ulvo replied, chuckling demoniacally.Then Ulvo addressed the PDF forces " Men of Mundus Secundus now do you see the futility of you fighting? Swear loyalty to me and you shall be spared" all Ulvo got was silence.." SO BE IT, DIE!"
Ulvo released the Plague flies on his armour sending them to infect all the PDF forces turning them into mindless slaves of Nurgle, the final battle of Mundus Secundus ended with the PDF destoyed without firing a single shot, and Mundus becoming a Plague Daemon World.
Ulvo sat on his throne on Mundus Secundus watching his Plague Marines give praise to Nurgle, disparing at the lack of enemies to infect as his Sorceror Pestillen whispered in his ear "My Lord there seem to be a Grey Knights force in your Palace what would you like us to do?"
"Let them come to me here also summon my Plague Terminators to me" Ulvo rumbled nearly purring with pleasure, Nurgle would have more slaves to his will today.
As the Grey Knights entered the Throne room they were surprised to see the Daemon Prince and his court un-armed
"Captain somethings wrong here" one of the terminators whispered to his captain.
"Do not fear remember we are Grey Knights and they should fear us!" the captain hissed back.
"AHH" the rumbling voice of Ulvo filled the room" the mighty Grey Knights, why do we insignificant cretins deserve your visit?"
"We are here to kill you heretic" The Captain replied hefting his daemon hammer and charging at Ulvo
"Oh too bad" replied Ulvo as his terminators engaged their Grey knight counterparts and Ulvo fought the captain.The battle was short and ferocious, both the Imperium and Nurgle lost great champions but the Daemon Prince andThe Grey Knight Captain fought on.
Ttwo warriors moved so fast they were like blurs of sickly green and silver, then the Grey Knight captain lost his arm at the elbow to the Daemon princes daemon scythe.
Ulvo bent down and said to the fallen daemonhunter " Good fight I quite enjoyed it, so much in fact I'll grant you with a gift" and Ulvo's Plague flies covered the Grey Knight from head to toes but as Ulvo started to walk back to his throne he heard the grey knight chanting a binding spell.
"By the Light of the Emperor I Banish you daemon, BE GONE!"the captain said with his last breath and Ulvo felt hooks rip into his essence, yanking him back to the warp
"I will be back boys, count on that!" these were the last words that Ulvo said in the material universe.
Pestillens looked at the space where the Daemon Prince Ulvo had recently occupied, shock and surprise could be discerned even through all the boils and sores on his face, and then Pestillens heard the inhuman roar of anger rip through the warp tearing open a hole in mid-air out of which Ulvo reappeared, smoking as if he just had been on fire.
"WHAT HAPPENED SORCERER?" demanded the angry daemon prince picking Pestillens up by his throat and bringing him to eye level, the daemon prince's breath smelling of rotted flesh " I have just been in a great amount of pain, care to tell me why?"
"The grey knight's binding, must have been broken somehow" the Nugle sorcerer offered in reply as Ulvo choked him, the strength of Ulvo's grip popping boils "or he left out a word, either one, but the key thing is that your still here, my Lord"
"Well" the daemon prince began, as he unceremoniously dropped Pestillens, and started walking to his throne " Did I not tell you I'd return?" he finished, sitting on his throne " it's good to be home"
A Vindicare Assassin looked up from his sniper scope and pressed the 'transmit' button on his vox caster "Inquisitor, the Grey Knights have failed"
"Understood" came the gruff barely controlled reply "return to base, out"
'This is going to be a long day' thought the assassin walking back towards his sleek warbike.
The Inquisitor Lord shook with rage as he heard the report; 10 Grey Knight veteran terminators killed and a Captain on top, plus the target of the raid was largely unharmed.
"Get the admiral, tell him to land the troops, we're goind to wipe this infestation out at the root" Broelman yelled at his communications officer, thinking "Ulvo and his warriors aren't going to see another morning if I have anything to do about it"
"My Lord" Pestillens began staring at the Nurglings dancing around the bodies of the Grey Knights, preforming an unholy ritual "Who do you think sent these terminators?"
"He did" was Ulvo's only answer as the fly covered giant watched the ritual end with the grey knights rising as new plague marines, some with their intestines bursting through their armor, their armor disintegrating, revealing stinking disease ridden flesh and their armor warping and shifting until they were indistinguishable from any other Nurgle terminators in the warband.
"He did?" echoed the sorcerer.
"BROELMAN, YOU FOOL" roared the daemon prince, startling the nurglings from their cavorting around Ulvo's throne room "If he sent terminators and what appeared to be a captain against me he must of been certain he could get rid of me if they failed" he continued "That also means he has a substantial force nearby probably a few Imperial Guardsman regiments, some coerced astartes companys, or alot of Grey Knight veterans"
"Shall we prepare for an assault?""YES" replied the the Nurgle prince, hefting his daemon scythe, which was almost purring with with the expectation of the slaughter.
"Sir all troops and armor has landed" the communications officer informed his commander "and scouts have confirmed, according to you suspicions, that the heretics have mobilized"
"Whatever he may be, Ulvo is still a skilled tactician and infantry commander" rumbled the ancient daemon hunter "so I shall not underestimate him"
"Lord" Broelman's acolyte addressed his master" why do you hunt this heretic exclusively? If I am not to bold to ask?"
"None at all Marcus, if you are to succeed me I must tell you the story so here is how my hunt began"...
"I was an acolyte to a Daemon Huntress named Ophilia, who was a former sister of battle, but she became a member of the ordo malleus, however on he last hunt we were pursuing a daemon prince named Peter de Lifeblight, then captain of the Death Guard company Ulvo now commands.
During the battle where Peter and Ophilia both died, when she detonated a melta bomb in desparation, all that remained of them was a hole melted in the ground, and the two left surviving were Peter's lieutenant Ulvo and I, the last member of Ophilia's retinue, fought each other" Broelman parted his shirt to show a long blotchy scar reaching from left shoulder to right hip "and during that fight I got this"He continued closing his shirt and delving into the fights details.
" We fought for on near for an hour, my rune-axes and his daemon scythe, sprayed so many sparks it looked like we fought in-between the stars, our faces literally sprayed sweat, obscuring our vision and thats when he got me. His weapon flashed and then I felt the most extreme pain and blacked out, the last thing I heard from him that day was his maniacal laughter, but later I was found by Inquisitorial stormtroopers " as the gnarled warrior stopped" and since then we have both clashed again twice since then, the last time I fought him I beheaded him but as I walked away I heard a roar and saw him as he is now"
"So thats why you pursue him" Markus said after his mentor's tale
"Yes boy, and I also seek to claim the debt he owes humanity" Broelman growled "now let us go pray for the emperor's guidance and protection for the battles to come"
As the plague marines manned the defenses of Ulvo's headquarters, the sorcerer Pestillens found himself in charge of the main defenses, his mind wondering back to earlier that day as scouts confirmed that the Inquisitors forces were moving towards their position and aslo that they out numbered the Traitor marines 4 to 1 "My lord, I do believe now is a prudent time to send a raiding force to harass the enemy" Lieutenant Arvello informed his commander
"We shall not " came Ulvo's now almost customary reply " but, however I shall leave the defenses to you and my sorcerer while I and my bodyguard will depart"
"Depart?" Ulvo's two advisers echoed this seemingly impossible word
"yes, depart I believe I am repeating myself, but I shall return so both of you are responsible to hold this fortress until my return, dismissed" and with his body guards they walked out of the room.
"Sorcerer" Pestillens snapped back to reality, facing the helmeted face of Arvello "Yes?""The assault will begin shortly I suggest you gather your warriors an man your stations" the Lieutenant informed Pestillens and walked away with his bodyguards
"And lets hope we can survive" Pestillens muttered to himself as his summoned his Plaguebearer guards.
The siege began with the roar of a artillery barrage, the shells smashing into the outer walls only ending when there were several breaches in the wall, and then the assault elements of Broelman's forces entered the killing grounds of the Seventh Plagues citadel.
The roar of anti-tank guns, bolters, and heavy bolters filled the air, along with the myriad of airborne viruses coming from the Nurgle lines, many flaming wrecks littered the grounds along the breaches in the wall, but the forces of the Emperor pressed on, suffering horrendous casualities to bolter fire, but many falling to the miasma coming from the traitors lines, until they charged in to the waiting lines of the Death Guard, hordes of crazed imperial warriors charged the Nurgle worshipers, their guns forgotten, knives and swords drawn the attackers ploughed into the defenders, the frontline now becoming a literal wave of frenzied fighting, plagues marines tearing their opponents limb from limb, painfully killing them with rusty weapons, Daemon hunters chanting prayers as they swing their hammers, crushing heads, shattering bones and liquefying internal organs all in the name of a corpse.
As Pestillens dispatched a stormtrooper sergeant by ripping his arms from his body, he heard his plague bearer bodyguards wimper in fear as a squad of Grey Knights charged them, and with a roar he tapped into the warp, hurling arc lightning at the daemon hunters, instantly killing two, and tripping three more, he counter-charged with his daemon guards claiming the rest.
Suddenly a rift appeared infront of Pestillen and out of it stepped his mighty lord, Ulvo, and his terminators, the deep purplish glow surrounding him in a surreal, entrancing, yet somehow fear-inspiring glow.
He roared his triumph and yelled to his minions and enemies. "I HAVE ARRIVED, THOSE WHO OPPOSE ME, BEAR WITNESS TO MY COMING AND YOUR DEMISE". All fighting ceased as both friend and foe turned in suprise at the unexpected return of the Seventh Plague of Nurgle. An awe inspiring sight, the great demon prince stepped and the terminators charged foward into the fray, slashing left and right, the bodies of Ulvo's enemies sent flying.
Limbs flew past his face, blood spattering his armour as his blade cleaved without end, no armour stopping its fearsome swing.
In his blind rage he did not witness nor hear the powering up of a battery of Psycannons, the grey knights most fearsome weapon when facing demons. A flash of blinding light raced towards Ulvo as he span to face his oncoming doom.....
Then without a seconds thought, all the plague flies on Ulvo's body formed a living wall in front of their host, dying to protect Ulvo, and then with a roar of pure malice, the Chaos Lord launched himself at the psycannon wielding Space Marines, tearing through them like a scythe wielding hurricane, behind him Ulzo only left ribbons of flesh, scraps of armor and a river of blood and gore.
And standing with axes ready stood Broelman, already bathed in the stench and grime of battle and blood dripping from a cut in his brow,
"Oy, Inquisitor who gave you that scratch, I believe they just earned a promotion" Ulvo said as he began the circle his foe and his foe's retinue, buying some time, while waiting for his terminators to catch up to him
"One of you foolish subordinates, Arvello I believe it's name was" the old man replied wiping the blood and sweat out of his eyes, turning the side of his cheek a shade of crimson " Oh and if you're wandering he is most certainly dead"
"Good, never did like him, he was getting on my nerve with all his pompous preening, but he was a good lieutenant" Ulvo replied with mock sincerity in his voice, even a attempt at a sad face, which ended looking like his face was falling off his skull, and without looking his parried a sword blow from a raging guardsmen charging towards him, and with the same movement he decapitated his attacker, who's soul seemingly screamed as his deamon scythe drank it "Didn't like him either, did you?" asked the daemon prince looking behind him as he spoke seeing his terminators appear through another warp rift.
"Shall we begin" asked the elderly hunter, looking up to his towering opponent's face
"We shall old man" was the replyand the enemies and their retinues launched themselves at each other, each combatant, veterans of many battles and each and every one ripped each other apart except Ulvo and Broelman who fought each other as if they had planned this fight for a long time, each of the combatants fought like they had never fought before, each was evenly matched in power, and as they had many times before they were in a stalemate, neither submitting or surrendering, the daemon in Ulvo's scythe was straining to keep the scythe intact while Broelman's rune axes were starting to show cracks under the strains, then something snapped.......
The venerable axes of the daemon hunter shattered sending scything shards of shrapnel straight into the large, bulbous body of Ulvo. Most of the sharpnel cut into Ulvo, bringing forth great tides of mucus and diseased blood, but as soon as Ulvo looked up from his wounds, the old daemon hunter had a psycannon aimed straight to the chest of Ulvo.
"By the order of one of His most holy Inquisition Ordo's, the Ordo Malleus, I sentence you to death, may the Immortal Emperor have mercy on your soul, for I shall not" intoned Broelman, as the high pitched whine of the psycannon's powering up sequence " NOW DIE HERETIC!"
"How about you fool" and the bolter barked once and the elderly inquisitor's head popped like a baloon spitting gore everywhere and covering all combatants in a fine spray of blood and brain juices.
"Damn sorcerer took you long enough, I thought he had me then" Ulvo remarked to his sorcerer as he mopped brain and skull fragments from his face and casually as he scythed a grey knight in two spraying him with arterial blood, just as he cleaned his face of blood " bloody messy it was too!"
"Well now that the old man is dead what do we do with the rest?" asked the sorcerer as he saw the Inquisitor's men surrender, as they saw their leader fall.
"Do we have many slaves at the moment?" asked Ulvo
"Send them the Plague apothecaries, let them have some fun" Ulvo ordered with a grin, knowing that all the guardsmen could hear him.
"At once"
And for many days on Mundus Secundus the screaming of the victims of the apothecaries dark and twisted experiments could be barely heard over the inhuman gales of laughter coming form the fortress, so to the survivors of the Mundus Secundus hunt, would always refer to the planet as Plagues 7, for the moniker of the planets warlord.
But this was all before the 13th black crusade and the horrors that awaited Cadia's finest..
The daemon in Ulzo's scythe purred with pleasure as it consumed the souls of Ulvo's victims, the hulking daemon prince grinning with sadistic glee as he watched the bolter attached to his wrist spit death, it's shells detonations ripped into the bodies of the Cadian guardsmen, leaving blood sodden sacks of bone and muscle where guardsmen were standing.And with a bestial roar, Ulvo and his bodyguard of plague bearers charged through the swinging gates of the hive city, killing anyone who they happened upon, civilian, soldier, it didn't matter they all fell before the groaning plague bearers and the demonic champion of Nurgle.
"3rd squad give me a situation report, 8th squad go reinforce 5th squad's position and will someone give me an ETA for those space marine re-enforcements?" demanded the frantic Major Gerran L Johns in his command bunker, barely hearing the replies from his junior officers over the groaning of the wounded sitting in his doorway.
"Sir, 3rd squad reports that their position was overrun and they are retreating to the munitions factory"" 8th squad has reinforced 5th squad and they are holding for now"
"Sir, I have the astartes commander on the vox-channel" replied Gerran's subordinates, who usually impeccable uniforms was in tatters, and covered head to toe in dust and grime among other filth.
"Major?" the deep voice of the Ultramarines Captain Idaeus asked as Gerran picked up the vox reciever
"Yes, I am here my lord" replied the Major trying to keep the fear from his voice.
"Major, he is what I want you to do; pull back to your city's central command and reinforce it with all your remaining men and armor, my terminators will deepstrike to help the defence, while the armored elements of my force and my remaining space marines will carve a path to your position and await the titans Imperial Fury and War Falcon and then we shall cleanse this hive these traitors" the astartes informed Gerran, who listened with mortification and frustration, despairing at the though of moving all the wounded and organizing a gradual retreat to the central HQ
."It will be done, make sure your terminators are there and prepared to fight" replied, his voice empty of emotion, the exact opposite of his head which was a maelstrom or emotions, and with a jerk Gerran slammed the vox-caster's handset back onto it rest and he issued short sharp orders to his junior officers and left for the central HQ with the medevac's.
"My lord" came the wheezy voice of a plague marine over the vox-net "the imperials are retreating, do we pursue them?"Ulvo activated the vox-caster grafted into the side of his head with a flick of a thought and replying
"Yes but as soon as we enter the hive, form up defensive positions, we don't want anyone to get behind us and outflank us, Ulvo out" and with a jerk Ulvo ripped the blade of his scythe out of the bulky chest of an ogryn, spraying thick blood onto his bodyguards, after a quick prayer to Nurgle and a nod to his sorcerer Ulvo teleported to the front lines and back into the storm of war.....
As the Plague marines punched through the weakened defenses of the PDF and harried any lagging guardsmen, most dying without much fuss, but the were disturbingly too many who fought back and took plague marines with them, when last imperial outpost fell, the remaining guardsmen went berserk and charged the Death Guard lines, most dying in the charge, but one got past the scything crossfire just to be shot point blank by a bot-pistol, but he survive long enough to drive his bayonet into the traitor head, which spurted acidic brain juices, turning the last moments of the guardsmen's pitiful existence in a orgy of searing ,white hot pain.
But Nurgle replaced his fallen priest, all the guardsmen rose as plague zombies, bolstering the Death Guard ranks, as Ulvo's orders were carried out and the Traitor sons of Mortarion erected defenses, Ulvo's sorcerer,Pestillen, stepped through a portal in the warp, bowing before he addressed the daemon prince
"Lord, I have just probed the Imperial defenses and there are terminators among them, all of them Ultramarines and I gleaned from their minds that there is and armored column heading towards the hive, consisting of a full Baneblade company, the remaining Loyalist tanks and two Legio Ignatum Warhound Titans" Ulvo furrowed his brow in thought
" Call in theLegio Mortis and tell them that their favorite opponents are here, also contact the fleet and and have the thunderhawks on standby for bombardment and send half of the plague zombies and five marine squads with anti-tank weapons to the main gate and have them hide in cover until the tanks pass and hit them in the rear"
"As you command" replied the sorcerer his eyes glowing green as he tapped into the energies of the Warp and stepped through the portal again, which flared as the sorcerer passed through.
"Well somebody was trying to be smart" Ulvo said knowing his Plague Bearers bodyguards wouldn't care nor understand what was saying "We'll cure them of their disillusions wont we ,master?"Then the daemon prince started laughing manically.
I'll add more later
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